Case Studies - Video

Welcome to our page where we showcase and share some of the successful projects we have worked on with local communities, groups and individuals.

South Offaly LEADER

A snapshot of just some of the work carried out by communities in South Offaly through engagement with the LEADER Programme.

West Offaly LEADER

Project workers for the LEADER Programme work across the county to bring ambitious community projects to life, with this video highlighting just some of these projects in West Offaly.

North Offaly LEADER

The LEADER Programme support communities across Offaly to build on what they have in their local area, overcome social and economic challenges and make the most of local opportunities, as seen in these North Offaly projects.

Mid Offaly LEADER

Offaly Local Development Company's LEADER Programme team provides financial assistance, advice and training to support businesses and communities within Offaly to flourish and thrive, as seen here with a snapshot of completed Mid-Offaly projects.

SICAP Case Study 2022

Social Enterprise in Offaly

This video is to celebrate the members of Offaly Social Enterprise Network. This new county wide network has been created with the purpose of allowing social enterprises in Offaly to support one another and come together for mutually beneficial training, mentoring, information distribution and collective collaboration. This video features a number of entrepreneurs talking about their experiences of running a social enterprise in Offaly. It also has Sarah Kennedy and Brendan O Loughlin (CEO) of Offaly Local Development Company describing how against a backdrop of rural decline, social enterprise is a powerful tool for developing employment, services, products and local economies across Offaly. It is a key goal to raise awareness of what social enterprises do and bring to the public’s attention that the business they are supporting is volunteer led, community run and delivering social good.

Momentum 2021 - A Virtual Youth Fest This video showcases our 2021 Momentum Project - a virtual Youth Fest.